Loving God, Loving His Word, Loving People
On February 28, 1999, a small band of believers (approx. 42) met at the home of James and Valisho Thornley. Because we love God, His word, and people, this was a temporary gathering called “A Love Fellowship.”
On March 7, 1999, God blessed the worship and fellowship and moved the band of worshipers to an interim worship place in the Roanoke Center (Hope 4 the Inner City). The band had grown to 49 members. This was the beginning of LOVE FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH which is a Southern Baptist Convention church. The Church had grown to between 64-70 worshipers on Sunday under the leadership of our founding Pastor, Kevin L. Smith. Over the next four years, the church continued to worship at the Roanoke Center and later at the Hardy Elementary School, both located on Roanoke Avenue. In 2003, Elder Smith announced his leaving LOVE FELLOWSHIP to complete his education in Lexington, KY. Elder George O. Martin was appointed interim Pastor.
Land was purchased on Roanoke Avenue across from the Roanoke Center to build our current sanctuary and on April, 2004, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new facility and construction began.
In September, 2004 the Pastoral Committee recommended Gerald K. O’Guinn to serve as Pastor and the congregation voted to accept him. On March 20, 2006, we worshiped for the first time in the new facility at 1811 Roanoke Avenue.
Since that time, adjacent property has been purchased for future development of the ministry. Additional classrooms and office facilities have been added. The church has seen significant growth and continues to be a beacon of light exalting Christ and continuing her mission to impact the East Chattanooga community.

He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior in August, 1992. He has gone through the Chattanooga Resource Foundation’s Leadership Program: and for several years he was an active participant in the Christian Business Men’s lunch Bible study that is held at the downtown YMCA. He was an active member of Tucker Baptist Church from 1990 to December 1994 serving as Assistant Sunday School Superintendent for several years. Gerald became a member of New United Church in December, 1994. While at New United has served as a Shepherd Cell Leader (similar to a deacon) and as the coordinator of the Shepherd Cell ministry. His initial sermon was preached at New United in August, 1997. He has also served on the Salvation council and assisted the pastor in various areas such as visitation, the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, funerals, etc.
He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff in May, 1987, and was employed by TVA from March, 1987 until August, 2003. The Lord led him to the seminary, and he is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree.
Gerald met his wife, Tonya, at TVA through a mutual friend in February, 1991. It was God’s timing and His sovereignty. They became engaged in September, 1992 and were married on August 21, 1993. They have two children, Ashley and Arianna. He also has a daughter, Deonna, and two grandsons in Flint, Michigan.